The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ). Assessment of eating behaviour in an aging French population

The 'Fragebogen zum Essverhalten' (FEV) is the German version of the Three-factor-Eating-Questionnaire (TFEQ). This questionnaire covers three domains of eating behaviour ('cognitive restraint', 'disinhibition' and 'hunger') as well as common problems (e.g. craving for sweets). So far, there is a lack of normative data of the FEV especially for the middle-aged and older population. Aim of this study therefore was to provide age- and gender-specific norms of the FEV for the general population aged 40-79 years. We studied 3,144 participants of the ongoing large community-based Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) Health Care Study. We provided age- (four age groups: 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79 years) and gender-specific percentile ranks and T-scores for the three domains of the FEV as well as age- and gender-specific frequencies of the common problems in eating behaviour. Females scored significantly higher than males in all three.

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La Presse Médicale

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The Three-Factor-Eating-Questionnaire (TFEQ) is an established instrument to assess eating behaviour. Analysis of the TFEQ-factor structure was based on selected, convenient and clinical samples so far. Aims of this study were (I) to analyse the factor structure of the German version of the TFEQ and (II)-based on the refined factor structure-to examine the association between eating behaviour and the body mass index (BMI) in a general population sample of 3,144 middle-aged and older participants (40-79 years) of the ongoing population based cohort study of the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE Health Study). The factor structure was examined in a split-half analysis with both explorative and confirmatory factor analysis. Associations between TFEQ-scores and BMI values were tested with multiple regression analyses controlled for age, gender, and education. We found a three factor solution for the TFEQ with an 'uncontrolled…

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Journal of Public Health

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The aim: Identify the types of eating behaviour in overweight and obesity depending on gender and age. Materials and methods: A survey of 210 people (men -105, women -105) was conducted. The age of women ranged from 19 to 60 years, the average age was 41.5 ± 11.2 years. The age of men ranged from 22 to 60 years, the average age was 42.3 ± 12.3 years. The examined patients were divided into two clinical groups: group I – 70 people (women – 35, men – 35) with overweight. BMI of persons of the I group from 25.8 kg / m2 to 29,3 kg / m2 (BMTmid. = 27,5 ± 1,31 kg / m2); Group II – 72 people with 1st degree obesity (women -36, men – 36). Evaluation of eating disorders was carried out using the DEBQ questionnaire (Nederland) adapted to the purpose of the study. Results: In patients of groups I and II healthy type of eating behaviour was recorded less often than in control groups, 5.38 times (D = 13.561, p = 0.002 <0.05) and 10.45 times (D = 21.043, p = 0.022 <0.05), respectively. In g.

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More than 150 years ago the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872) resumed that “we are what we eat”. He did not foresee the lively debate we are currently facing on “what it is we should eat”, let alone on the “right” quantity and “right” selection of food we should consume.

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