4 Easy Ways to Fight for Abortion Rights

It’s a critical time for reproductive rights. Politicians and activists who oppose abortion are trying to take away our right to control our bodies. State governments have already enacted more than 1,300 abortion restrictions since Roe v. Wade, and 2021 has been the worst year on record for abortion rights. This year alone, more than 560 restrictions have been introduced in 47 states, and more than 100 have been enacted. In September, Texas's S.B. 8 law banned abortion after six weeks — before most people even know they’re pregnant — and other states are set to follow.

Abortion restrictions hurt real people, especially Black, Latino and Indigenous communities for whom systemic racism and discrimination in this country have created huge barriers to health care and economic opportunities. They hurt people who don’t have enough time or money to travel long distances for an abortion. They hurt people who have low incomes, inflexible work schedules, or don’t have access to childcare or transportation. And they hurt some immigrants who may be afraid to travel or cross state lines.

You have the power to help protect and expand abortion access. Here are four ways to fight back:

1. Shout Your Support for Abortion Access

Talk to your friends, family, and social media followers about why access to abortion is important to you. The more we speak out, the more others will feel comfortable sharing their stories and support, too. With our voices united, we can end the stigma and be a powerful force for change.

2. Support Abortion Funds

When you support abortion funds, your money goes directly to help patients and people on the ground who work to provide access to abortion. Abortion funds play a super important role in protecting and expanding access to abortion: they help patients who can't afford an abortion pay for their care, and may sometimes provide other resources like transportation, lodging, and child care.

Visit the National Network of Abortion Funds website to connect with your local abortion fund and make a donation.

3. Support Reproductive Justice Organizations

Reproductive Justice means the human right to decide when and whether to have children, and the right to raise your family in a safe, healthy environment. Because of white supremacy and structural racism, Black, Latino and Indigenous people often face extra barriers to abortion and other types of health care, and live in communities with fewer resources.

Reproductive Justice centers the lives, experiences, and needs of marginalized people, particularly people who identify as Black women and other women of color. Here are some of the organizations leading the fight for reproductive justice:

4: Follow Planned Parenthood

We’ve been in this fight for a long time, and we’re not going anywhere. You can always count on Planned Parenthood for breaking news on reproductive rights and plenty of ways to take action: