Health Forms and Notices

Completed by school 504 Coordinator, in consultation with the parent and school or OSH nurse, and provided to the student’s bus driver and (if applicable) attendant.

Immunizations and COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Letter for Students Ages 5 and Older

COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Letter for Students Ages 12 and Older

Guidelines for Entering Student Immunizations into ATS

Health Commissioner Letter to Families Regarding Immunization, April 2024

Immunization Chart for Families

Immunization Guidelines for Schools

Immunization Requirements and Letter

Letter to Parent - Non-immunized Student Marked Absent

Medical Exemption Process for Immunizations

Medical Request for Immunization Exemption

Parent Letter for Students not Fully Immunized, October 2019

Principal Letter for Immunization Policy Update, October 2019

Principal Letter for Immunization Policy Update, June 2019

Principal Letter to Families Regarding June 30 Immunization Deadline, April 2021

Parent Letters, Policy Change, for Warnings and Exclusions

Please see the family site for all updates on Immunization Exceptions.

Request for Review of Serology or Documentation of Varicella Disease

SH88 Parents Exclusion Letter (School Year 2024-2025)

SH89 Parents Warning Letter (School Year 2024-2025)

SH65 Medical Immunization Requirements

Serology Review Process

Mental Health

Mental Health Resource flyer

Suicide Prevention Flyer

Mental Health First Aid Handout

"There's Help All Around You" flyer

Oral Health

Dental Services in New York City Schools

Available Dental Programs One-Pager

School-based Health Center Dental Forms

School-based Health Center Dental Policy and Procedures

Dental Referral Form

Mobile Oral Health Programs

Starting an Oral Health Program

Picking a Dental Provider

Picking a Dental Space

Dental Visit Prep

Dental Provider Consent Forms

Columbia DentCare Consent Form

Ezra Medical Consent Form

First MedCare Consent Form

NYU College of Dentistry Consent Form

NYU Langone Consent Form

Smile NYC Consent Form

St. Barnabas Consent Form


Seizure Medication Administration Form (School Year 2024 – 2025)

Sexual Health

Sexual Health Education Parent Notification Letter

Grade K-6 HIV Education Parent Notification Letter

Notifying parents about HIV/AIDS lessons

Condom Availability Program Parent/Guardian Notification Letter

Grade 7-12 HIV Education Parent Notification Letter

Notifying parents about HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health Education


Sports History Form and Recommendation for Participation in Physical Education and Sports

Substance Abuse

Drug Myths and Facts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): E-cigarettes

Vision Health

Eye Report and Recommendation Form (E12S)

Vision Screening Policy Statement

Vision Screening Handout

Passive Consent Form

Vision Pre-screening Letter to Parents

Results of Vision Screening Letter

Results of Vision Screening Follow-Up Letter

School Trips