This chapter is the first of three chapters that capture the key aspects of the evaluation process and chart the way forward for the future of OD practice. The evaluation of OD, the key OD trends, and the future of the field and practice of OD are synonymous with stage six of the OD process (Evaluation of OD and Trends/Future of OD).
In this chapter, the key aspects of the evaluation stage of the OD process are explored in detail. Evaluation is an important part of the OD process since it provides the assessment of organizational change interventions. It provides feedback which shapes the development, implementation, and sustainability of organizational change interventions. More specifically, this chapter details the importance of evaluation in the process of OD and evaluates the different types of evaluation. Three different types of evaluation are critically assessed: before-implementation, during-implementation, and after-implementation. It is recognized in this chapter that “before-implementation” evaluation is synonymous with the diagnostic phase of the OD process, which are covered in Chaps. 8, 9, and 10. As such, emphasis is placed on the other types of evaluation that are used during and after the implementation of organizational change interventions in this chapter. Evaluation models are also presented and critically assessed. Finally, the importance of sustaining organizational changes is discussed.
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