The telecommunications industry is engaged in the sharing of information over long distances by means of technology. Telephone, Internet, television and radio are all aspects of telecommunications, with an emphasis on the first two. If you are starting a company in the telecommunications industry, you must come up with a clear and detailed marketing plan if you hope to appeal to a large enough number of buyers.
The first section of your marketing plan should be a summary of everything else said throughout the rest of the plan. Even though it comes first, you should write it last.
Advertisement Article continues below this adYou cannot hope to accomplish any objectives if you have not clearly defined them. Lay out a list of objectives for your telecommunications business. For instance, if you are a contractor for a larger cable and Internet company, set goals for total sales or new clients for a particular period. If you run a store that sells mobile products, you may set monthly sales goals for each representative in your store. As the telecommunications industry tends to be one with relatively few competitors within a particular locale, you may set a goal to become the market leader according to market share by a certain date.
For the analysis section of your marketing plan, you must gather and analyze information that deals with your company in particular and your market in general. One way of doing this is by carrying out a SWOT Analysis. "SWOT" stands for "Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats." Strengths and weaknesses are issues internal to your company, while opportunities and threats apply to the market in general. Show why your company can be competitive and which problems it must address to succeed. For instance, if you plan on selling mobile phones in a market that already has a number of well-established retailers, the fact that you do not offer anything new could be seen as a weakness. However, if you are bringing a new mobile services provider into the market, and if this provider offers rates that undercut the other providers, this may be a strength.
Advertisement Article continues below this adIn marketing your product, you must understand the specific demographic groups who will be most likely to purchase it. Sometimes multiple groups have a need or desire for a product, but selling to them requires different marketing techniques. For example, both middle-aged people with established careers and young college students may be prospective mobile phone buyers, but the first group may want family plans, while the second group may want individual accounts. If you sell Internet or cable service, tell how you plan to reach both middle- and upper-middle-class homeowners as well as people with lower incomes who live in apartments.
The marketing strategy is the most important part of your telecommunications marketing plan, as it shows the actual steps you intend to take. It should involve four elements: product, price, place and promotions. For instance, if you sell bundled Internet, telephone and cable plans, a description of this product is an important aspect of your product section. If you sell mobile phones or mobile service for less than competitors, this is a fundamental aspect of your price section. If you plan to open a store in a new development that promises high traffic and high-quality customers, this is a matter of place. If you give away free mobile devices or offer a free month of service to those who sign a year-long contract, this is something for the promotions section.
Advertisement Article continues below this adIn the final section of your marketing plan, you must explain how you will evaluate your performance. For every objective you stated previously, you should have a specific, actionable method of evaluation to decide whether you have reached that objective. Give examples of how you plan to track the sales of various mobile phone sales representatives or door-to-door Internet and cable sales representatives. Show how your company will be able to reassess its situation in the future to deal with issues such as new telecommunications companies entering the market or new technologies phasing out the products you sell.